Ever feel like generating electricity on a bicicle? Well, you can do it! It is a thing you can actually do as a project and have some fun while doing it. Build something you cobble together with a bike, generator and some things that are capable, to get what engineers call: bicycle powered generator. A project that is practical enough to turn your bike into more than just a local fly-around-the-block rig. HOW TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY WITH A BIKE [VIDEO]
Things You Need to Build a Bike Powered Generator Here are some of the basics you will need: A bike that is in good condition Ride the Bike You Are Most Comfortable On Second, you need a generator. You can find them online or at a hardware and tool outlet. Third, and you need some tools that the rest can be implemented. It could be anything from a screwdriver, some wires or even tape. Get everything in order before you start!
After you get your tool all set up, use it at home as well. That is when the real fun begins! A motor is what directly produces electricity and a generator does not. This may include turning on your lights, charging devices like iPhones and iPads or watching TV programmes. It will ultimately mean you save a little bit of money, and saving on your electric bill is always good. Beside better for the environment and a lot like riding bicycle as power generator. This assists in whittling down the overall energy demand on aged massive utility power plants.
Cycling free electricity energy to work is not only the excellent way in going green but really fun! This is something you can enjoy and bring your friends or even some of the family to rise in this making project with. It is even more fun when it involves a team project. Plus, it is really rewarding to see something you have sowed now burned and your house given a little bit of juice. You are then sharing it with your friends and showing them how that was done.
Something about riding a bike to power things sounds so interesting (although, personally I think the idea of pedaling for your energy is kinda cool). Generate your own power from scratch with endless sources of energy and turn into a warrior of the climate movement by simply eradicating pollution. Its the superhero power for our planet! This is a small project, but it all adds up and we should each do our part in the preservation of life on our Earth. Hopefully you can feel good that it is making a difference and your contributing significantly to the biking.